
Javier Zamora

Memoir 2022/ 381 pages


This is the memoir of 9-year old Javier Zamora's seven-week journey migrating ("illegally") into the United States from El Salvador in the summer of 1999. He was attempting, alone, to get to his parents in San Rafael, California, who migrated five years earlier.  His journey was supposed to take two weeks; it took seven. A mom, daughter, and one of the men "adopted" Javier and the four of them became a "family" who took care of one another for the duration of the crossing from El Salvador through Mexico and into the U S.

The first half of this book is very slow, which reflected the actual speed of his travel.  He would spend many days and nights in "apartmentos" or hotel rooms, waiting for the next coyote or the next connection to continue his journey.  Just over halfway in, the book sped up as Javier's journey sped up, near the US border, and interactions with border agents made it a scary journey for sure.

A reviewer says this, "I am pretty certain I would have preferred this to be an autobiographical novel or an adult memoir reflecting on this childhood journey. I just could not suspend my skepticism that all the extended dialogue and journey details could be captured so accurately 20+ years later."   I think that is an accurate reflection of what I felt.  How could he remember how many water bottles he carried on a particular day, or how the refried beans tasted 20 years ago.  It degraded the credibility a bit.

I kept feeling I "should" read this book (plus it is a book club read) and I was not surprised to find that the majority of the reviews I read used the words "should read" when describing this book.  It IS important to read.  We don't often see true narratives of immigrants making this difficult journey.  It will inform you, teach you, raise your empathy, and inspire you, as you read about kindness, bravery, family (both blood and adopted), determination, and hope.

I could not find the meaning of the title, even after researching it!

So, yes, I recommend this memoir but know it may take you some concentration.  By the way, there is a lot of Spanish in Solito which some people found annoying.  I found it delightful.

August 2024