Comics for Choice

O.K . Fox, Hazel Newlevant, & Whit Taylor, Co-editors | Nonfiction


I was quite excited to read this anthology of abortion stories, written and drawn by 60 contributors and artists and compiled into a “graphic novel” format.  It disappointed a bit because I was hoping for more personal stories about women and their choices.  In the beginning of the book especially, there were more educational and historic stories rather than personal stories, but the personal individual stories are more frequent in the second half.  Also, for some unknown reason, many of the stories about laws are about Texas laws.  I don’t know why.  I have reread the editors’ notes twice now, looking for an explanation of this, but it seems the editors didn't notice!

That being said, I recommend this quick read.  I learned a lot about a topic I know something about.  Have you heard of Jane?  I had not. Fascinating.  Do you know about the drug combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol?  Important.  I will say that this book inspired me to donate to the National Network of Abortion Funds before I gave myself permission to write my blog posting.  That says a lot for the power of the book.

I bought a used copy of Comics for Choice.  The single copy my library had has “gone missing.” I wonder what happened to it.  Did a pro-choice person keep it and give it away to a friend?  Or was it an anti-choice person who wanted it removed from the shelves, and therefore stole it?  Either way, I would love to give my copy to one of you who wants to read it.  If you like it, you can pass it on.  Be the first to request it!  It will make you think.


2 responses on “Comics for Choice

  1. Deby

    Nice review. Can you donate your used copy to the library to replace the missing one? Then more people will see it and, if it was stolen by an anti-choice zealot, you’ll be fighting back.
    Or, if the library does not accept used donations, donate a new one? If you decide to look into this with the library, let me know as I’m happy to buy a new one to donate to the library – or buy a handful of used ones to donate if they’ll accept these donations.

    1. Andrea Sigetich Post author

      The library is not accepting used donations since the flood. However, I can make a request and they will simply buy a new one. In the meantime, I’d still like to give it away.