Fully Awake and Truly Alive

Rev. Jane E. Vennard

Nonfiction 2013 | 176 pages


Regular readers of the Dusty Shelves blog know that I have been exploring spiritual texts for a while now, often with disappointment.  Fully Awake and Truly Alive is the first of many books that I can unequivocally say I enjoyed and found within its pages significant value. It is a book about spiritual practices ... creating actions you can take, perspectives you can hold, thoughts you can align.  The author, calling upon and gently integrating Christianity, Buddhism, the Koran, the Veda, Torah teachings, and a wide range of spiritual tomes and teachers, presents eight practices that you can engage in right now.  Chapters include practices such as silence, rest, community, and service.

Kathy and Leslie and I read this book together, and all three of us liked it and found actions to honor and include in our lives right now.  This is a great book, if you are on a spiritual path.

August 2023

One response on “Fully Awake and Truly Alive

  1. Kathy E. Kram

    You said it well, Andrea.

    There is so much practice guidance in this book, illustrated with examples from the author’s life and from religious leaders of all denominations. And, it is a reference book that I will go back to again and again. We discovered how the value of the book increases as we discussed it with one another.