Casey McQuinston | Fiction
2021, 422 pages
This is simply a weird experience. I thought One Last Stop sounded like a fun book to read. Time travel; two young women, Jane and August, who meet on the Q Train in New York and then both religiously keep the same commute so they might run into each other again; a budding lesbian romance; bizarre and interesting roommates for August (our main character). The dialogue is delicious. Actually, the delicious and witty conversations that occur among 20-somethings in NYC are rather unbelievable and stretch credibility.
Finally, after 100 pages, I decided to do a little research. Is this a YA book? It just seems so shallow and targets an immature audience. It is not Young Adult …. The target audience is 18-30. If I were 18-30 I think I would be insulted by the grade level of this book, its lack of depth, its simplicity. As someone who’s WAY older than 30, I have to shut it down now. I don’t recommend One Last Stop at all. Though your teenage child or grandchild might enjoy it.
November, 2021