Lisa Gardner | Fiction, 2009
462 pages
I ran out of books! Not wanting to drive to the library, I walked down to the bottom of my driveway, to the Little Library I put there on the corner (no surprise, I am sure), and grabbed this mystery to read. It is pretty good!
Sandy Jones disappears one night. Her four-year-old daughter Ree knows more than she is saying. Her husband Jason is, of course, a suspect in her disappearance and possible murder. Then again, the convicted sex offender who lives five doors away is also a suspect. As is the man Sandy had a short affair with. And then there is 13-year-old Ethan, who is in love with “Mrs. Sandra.” What role does he play?
It is an interesting story, and the resolution is clever, I think. This is one of a series of books written by Ms. Gardner about the Boston Police Department investigator, Sargent D.D. Warren. I don’t think the author does a good job at all developing D.D.’s character. The only thing we really learn about her is that she is, um, horny.
So, all in all, a fun and appealing read. Not compelling enough to go chase down more Lisa Gardner books. Read it for fun, but not for any great insight. (As an aside, I think someone turned off their creative genius when they titled this book The Neighbor. Seriously boring and not all that accurate. I would have titled it Steel Doors.)
I now have ten (10!) books in my to-read pile. What is next, I wonder? It is a mystery even to me!