Tara Austen Weaver
Nonfiction 2022 | 140 pages
When the gopher finally ran away from my yard for good, the rabbits moved in. I love my wild cottontails. Cuter than cute, and fun for the dogs! But rabbits eat every annual I could plant, within 24 hours. An internet search led me to dahlias, apparently not a favorite for bunnies’ taste buds. I unexpectedly and unintentionally fell in love. Dahlias are truly amazing flowers and bearers of joy, grace, astounding variety, and beauty.
As the long blooming season winds down, I am inspired to learn a bit more about my new passion. After Thom, the dogs, and I visited Wild Swan Dahlias, the largest commercial dahlia farm in the US, just over the mountains in Canby, Oregon, he bought me Dahlias: A Little Book of Flowers. This is a short, sweet start, and I KNOW there will be another dahlia book or two under the tree come December. Perhaps soon I will be able to explain the eight (nine?) different categories of dahlias, which hold literally thousands of varieties, as any grower can create hybrids.
If you have neither a clue about nor an apparent interest in dahlias, you still may very well find pleasure in the watercolor-painted dahlias pictured throughout this small book. Enjoy! (Be careful, though. Love may capture your heart too! And your yard will never be the same!)
Thank you, Thom.
October 2022